
Mission Statement

The mission of the Science/Mathematics Division at 十大外围app is to provide courses and necessary sequences for transfer, associate degrees, 证书和职业课程, as well as the fulfillment of the college’s general education requirements in scientific and numeric literacy and in scientific inquiry.  

Areas of Study

MCCC offers a number of courses in psychology and a transfer pathway for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to major in psychology.  mcc开设的课程包括普通心理学, 人格心理学/适应, Child Psychology, Social Psychology, Life Span Psychology, Psychology of Human Sexuality and Abnormal Psychology.

该学院还提供英语课程 幼儿教育 and 教师辅助.

Transfer Options

To access information about the psychology and other transfer pathways, go to the Transfer Options 大学目录部分.


Biology is the study of life – the study of how life began, 生物是如何组织起来的, how organisms function and how all life forms interact with each other. Biologists direct their interest in living things into observing and evaluating life processes.

Students interested in biology can seeking a career in biological research, 自然资源管理, agriculture, 人类健康或教育. 工作可能在户外, in a classroom, a laboratory, a research station or with a specialized research group. Students can also choose from one of the professional fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, physiology, microbiology, molecular biology, zoology or botany.

Biology at MCCC

MCCC provides students with a strong biology background to prepare them for careers or continuing education.   These key features that distinguish MCCC’s biology offerings:

  • A broad-based division with faculty well-versed in a variety of disciplines
  • 最先进的设施, 包括一个温室, instructional models and a large collection of microscope slides for all courses
  • 与教师一起独立学习的机会
  • Preparatory courses to support allied health programs, including nursing, 呼吸疗法和物理疗法.

MCCC offers the following biological sciences courses:  Biological Sciences I, 生物科学II, 环境科学概论, 联合健康解剖学和生理学, Elements of Botany, Elements of Zoology, Life in the Ocean, 解剖学与生理学I, 解剖学与生理学II, 病理生理学导论, 一般微生物学和遗传学基础.

Career Options

Transfer students who complete MCCC biology courses will find a variety of colleges and universities that offer degree programs in many biological career areas or pre-professional areas. It is suggested that students contact the four year schools that offer programs in these areas.

  • Cell biologist
  • Dentist
  • Dietician
  • 小学教师
  • 渔猎监督
  • Forestry technician
  • Greenhouse grower
  • High school teacher
  • Medical doctor
  • Microscopist
  • 护士(理学学士)
  • Pharmacist
  • Physical therapist
  • Physician assistant
  • Plant biologist
  • Soil scientist
  • Veterinarian
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Zoologist

Transfer Options

To access information about the biology and other science transfer pathways, go to the Transfer Options 大学目录部分. 


十大外围app provides students with a strong chemistry
background to prepare for careers or professional study. These key features that distinguish MCCC's chemistry programs:

  • Faculty who are well-versed in a variety of disciplines
  • 最先进的设施
  • 学生在实验室工作中使用的计算机
  • Other state-of-the-art instrumentation, such as FTIR, GC, polarimeter, visible spectroscopy and more
  • 最新的微型有机实验室仪器

MCCC offers the following chemistry courses: Fundamental Principles of Chemistry, 普通大学化学ⅰ, 普通大学化学(二), 化学与社会,  健康科学化学基础, 有机化学I和有机化学II. 

Career Options

Transfer students who complete MCCC chemistry courses will find a variety of colleges and universities that offer degree or pre-professional programs in many chemical career areas.  Students should contact the four-year schools that offer these programs.

  • Biochemist
  • Chemical engineer
  • Chiropractor
  • Dentist
  • Dietician
  • Mortuary science
  • Nurse
  • Pharmacist
  • Physical therapist
  • Physician
  • Teacher
  • Veterinarian

Transfer Options

获取有关化学的信息, environmental sciences and other science transfer pathways, go to the Transfer Options 大学目录部分. 


“Nothing pertaining to humanity becomes us so well as mathematics. There, and only there, do we touch the human mind at its peak.”— Isaac Asimov

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shape, logic and dynamics.  Mathematicians work with theorems and come up with generalizations of problems, using algebra, number theory, geometry, topology, calculus, chaos theory, 概率与逻辑.  数学也是“解决问题的艺术”.” It is used to solve problems from determining planetary orbits to improving the speed of computer processing to analyzing the movement of fluids to making movies.

Mathematics at MCCC

MCCC provides students with a strong mathematics background to prepare them for careers or professional study. These key features that distinguish MCCC's mathematics programs:

  • Faculty who are well-versed in a variety of disciplines
  • 与教师一起独立学习的机会
  • Preparatory courses to support pre-professional and transfer curricula

课程包括基础数学技能, 初级技术数学, 技术数学II, 联合医疗数学, 商业数学, 中级代数, 数学探索, 小学教师数学1, College Algebra, 三角与解析几何, 工程技术中的数学应用, 统计学概论, Precalculus, 小学教师数学2, Calculus I, Calculus II, 线性代数概论, Calculus III and Introduction to Differential Equations.

Career Options

There are numerous careers in mathematics and related fields, 比如精算学, accounting, elementary, 中等及高等教育, consulting, among many others.

Transfer Options

获取有关数学的信息, 一般工程和其他转移途径, go to the Transfer Options 大学目录部分.


MCCC offers an Introduction to Meteorology and Climate course.  This course provides an introduction to atmospheric processes that create daily weather patterns. 学生们学习诸如热能和能源之类的主题, 日气温及季节气温, humidity, 云的发展和降水类型, 气压和风, 压力系统和锋面的发展, 天气预报和恶劣天气. Additionally, special emphasis is placed on local weather patterns, climatology and climate change.

The area of physical sciences connects many disciplines together through its focus on the earth and its components, 从岩石和土壤到海洋和大气.  Physical sciences courses at MCCC include Technical Physics, General Physics I, General Physics II, 工程物理I, 工程物理II, 天文学概论, 自然地理要素, 世界区域地理, 地球科学与物理科学导论.

Transfer Options

获取有关物理科学的信息, physics, general engineering, 地质学/地球科学转学途径, go to the Transfer Options 大学目录部分.



B.S., St. Lawrence University
M.B.A. 托莱多大学

Contact Information

(734) 384-4131, lbean@nextrepublicans.com, L-224




Contact Information

(734) 384-4277, mel-amin@nextrepublicans.com, L-219



Contact Information

(734) 384-4256, mfonseca@nextrepublicans.com, L-123


Contact Information

(734) 384-4276, mfuertes@nextrepublicans.com, L-222


Contact Information

(734) 384-4292, mgrey@nextrepublicans.com, L-225



Contact Information

hlechner@nextrepublicans.com, L-117


Contact Information

(734) 384-4219, fmoorman@nextrepublicans.com, L-221

B.S., McGill University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4252,  mnaber@nextrepublicans.com, L-212


Contact Information

(734) 384-4213, trayl@nextrepublicans.com, L-116


Contact Information

(734) 384-4132, kshepherd@nextrepublicans.com, L-126


Contact Information

(734) 384-4247, jvallade@nextrepublicans.com, L-211     


Contact Information

(734) 384-4130, pwahr@nextrepublicans.com, L-120

B.A. 肯特州立大学
M.A. 州立鲍灵格林大学

Contact Information

(734) 384-4298, pwise@nextrepublicans.com, L-115


Contact Information

(734) 384-4197, swozniak@nextrepublicans.com, L-220


Felice Moorman Felice Moorman, assistant professor and coordinator of early childhood education at MCCC, 最近带领这个项目达到了两个重要的里程碑.  In 2019, the ECE program was selected to participate in a $1.25 million Department of Education grant awarded to the 托莱多大学 for a project to enhance the quality of preparation for future early childhood education professionals.  In 2018, the program was awarded accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, which is considered the gold standard for early childhood programs across the country.




Kevin Cooper

Phone Icon 734.384.4128

Laurel Johnston

Phone Icon 734.384.4233


Winter 2024 Hours
星期一:-星期五:上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.